John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

IMLP Training Day 8 & 9

IMLP Training Day 8 = REST! (I was exhausted too and I am pretty sure it had NOTHING to do with training.

IMLP Training Day 9 = Bike 30 min Z2, Run 15 min Z2 (switched with Day 10)

First, I had issues getting to the pool again today, so I decided since this is still the build phase, I would switch with Wednesdays workout.

Bike: 30 min Z2 - today the trainer proved to be much easier. Dare I say tolerable. Next thing I know it was 20 minutes down and I only had 10 minutes left. Sure, the 10 minutes took forever but still! Trash on tv was Rob and Big - made me laugh at least!

Run: 30 min Z2 - I was trying to work on Z2 running and my husband wasn't home yet, so I suggested to the kids to run with me. Would you believe it that I stayed in Zone 2 the ENTIRE time. I think I may have found a solution for the short runs. They had fun, complained minimally and I finished my workout!

HR Zone 2 masters!!!


Unknown said...

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