John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday...

I enjoy subbing, I really do. It pays well. I get to set my own scheduled (except I hate saying no). I get to spend 7 hours with adorable kids (mostly) and best of all... I am kinda a ROCK STAR at school - think your coolest teacher ever x 500 --- yeah, a student in my K-class just told me that!

The thing is... trying to get my run done (only 5 miles today), 2 kids up and ready, 2 dogs (one of which is a puppy and refuses to go into the yard by herself - spoiled?) fed and "pottied", shower and get ready myself, pack my bag for Run Club... Mondays when I sub are CRAZY!

I think I mentioned that since I do get up around 3:30 am most mornings to run, I tend to go back to sleep. 90% of the time after I have showered... sometimes, I don't (I know, gross right?). This morning was one of those mornings... and my kids were very sweet... (for SOME reason) and let me sleep in... and then I woke up and ran around like a chicken with its head cut off (I have seen this... it isn't pretty and neither was I). There was rushing, there WAS screaming (I know... horrible) But alas, we all made it to school ON TIME (even enough time to write this before all my students came in).

Was your Monday Manic or just right?

Now I just have to make it up to the poor kids tonight!


Randi S said...

I think Mondays are normally manic. Today wasn't AS bad even though I slept in but probably bc I wasn't trying to fit in a run before either.

coach dion said...

Mondays are great, as they last a lot longer than Tuesdays which seem to fly by, so I've started my day with a 5 mile run. I bet it's going to be a great day.