John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August recap & letter to MTP

I cannot believe that August is over... and I cannot believe that I am in my 2nd full month of marathon training. Boy, have I gone where I never thought (although, I did plan) I would go.

Total Miles for August: 177 (most EVER)

Miles this year: 1,013 - I NEVER thought I would hit 1000+ miles before December.

And without further delay... I have something to say to my Marathon Training Plan!

Dear Marathon Traning Plan:

First, can I call you MTP? I certainly think since we have spent over 2 months together, I can give you a nickname, okay?

I love that I do not have to think about what I am going to run or how far. I love that you have set the stage with goals and really... all I have to do is meet them. Thanks a million.

But, my grief is that I am starting to feel bossed around. Like today, you only have 4 miles for me... but as my Garmin beeped 4 miles in 35:54, I wanted to keep going. I HAD the right stride; I was feel'in good.  But NOOOOOO, I had to stop because you said so!

Running used to be REALLY fun. Instead of just lacing up my shoes and hitting the pavement, I have to plan and verify what I am supposed to run. Seriously, MTP: I miss just running naked. You know, naked - without my Garmin. Running until I feel like I should stop. Enjoy the run. 

Maybe I am taking too much out on you. After all, I did choose you. I looked over many plans, and I thought you were the BEST. And yes, you HAVE taken me farther than I ever imagined. I mean, I may never have reached 1000+ miles without you. And I do have faith that under your guide, I will be ready for the Marine Corp Marathon.

I just wanted you to know that while I do LOVE you... please do not get upset if I play with you as I am getting closer to the marathon. I may add a few miles on days that my legs feel good. I may run faster than you suggest or even slower - please forgive me.

And remember, when I cross the finish line on October 31, 2010... hopefully under 5 hours, please know that I will give you the credit (I will have to give GOD most of the credit - I hope you understand).




Tricia said... 1

awesome job on the august miles

misszippy said... 2

So nice that you are hitting those miles and feeling great! And hopefully MTP will understand when you step out of line a bit!

H Love said... 3

you have been really running! I know it will pay off in October.

April said... 4

Wow! Great mileage!! I'm sure MTP will understand..after all he would be nothing without you.

Running Diva Mom said... 5

I think you are going to surprise yourself, Jen! You're going to rock it! Great job on another awesome month!

RunningFromCancer said... 6

Great job. I am done with my major running events, other than a couple of 5 k's - and am enjoying every run. I am still trying to keep my "longish" runs up - but that will be 8-9 miles - love that distance. This morning I ran 6 miles without a garmin and I don't really know how long it took . . . and it doesn't matter. ;-)
Love to Run - doesn't matter the speed.

Anne said... 7

Awesome mileage!! Wow!!

gba_gf said... 8

You're taking names and kickin' booty... love the miles!

Now, my MTP and I have a looser relationship than you have with yours. For example, last week my plan called for a 4, 8, 4, 13 & 8 ... and I ran a 4, 8, 4, 10, 18... you know what? I suck at following a plan.

Basically what I'm trying to say is this - if you're running and feel REALLY good at mile 4, embrace that moment, let your feet fly if you want, love the run.