John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Five Days of Giveaways: Day 5 Winner

First, I apologize for me being so delayed in posting the winner.

This morning, I was up waiting for the sun to rise before I headed out for my run. Once it broke, I was out. I wasn't sure where I was going to run, but I just headed out.

I decided to run to Rock Creek Trail and then run around Lake Needwood. On my way into Lake Needwood Park, I saw a race getting set up. It was called: Run a Muck. It look really cool and the finish line had a 50 foot MUD pit. From their website: "This is the RunAmuck Mud Run! The Mud Run is a challenging 5K run with hills, tire obstacles, river crossings, walls, ropes, and MUD. Along the course there will be a number of water points with personnel staged at each. This is the most fun you can have running a 5K!"

How much fun would that be? Have any of you done a race like that before? Not sure I am up for it... but unfortunately, the mud found me (or I found the mud). I got so lost, I had to ask a fisherman where the road was and followed a trail that ended at a swamp. I have to think quick: Run back or trudge through. I was only at mile 5, so I decided to trudge through. After all, I could see the road in front of my 100 feet.

By the time I made it to the road, I looked almost as bad as this guy (from the Run A Muck website). I felt like a swamp monster running up the road. I think for the next miles I slipped and slided as the mud just would not come off of my shoes. And it was up hill.

I needed to get home as I had a church meeting to get to (after a quick shower). I think the excitement of the race and my adventure made the miles slip away. I made it home in 1 hour and 22 minutes... for 8 miles. Not too bad. I could have gone further, but needed to get to the meeting.

I have delayed enough about announcing the winner. I am sad to say that they all are so good. I did have my favorites, but just could not decide on which one was the BEST. I even tried to get my husband to decide... but he would not read them. I toyed with sending everyone of you a little something, but thought the postage would get pricey.

So, I copped out. I decided to use to select the winner. I am sorry for letting you down... but you all had really good surprises.

Without any more delay, the winner is # 11: Stormee.M of Just For the Run of It

Please email me your address to: hahleewude at verizon dot net and I will get it shipped out to you ASAP.

Thank you ALL for participating in the giveaways. It was a fun week. I hope you continue to follow me on this journey to weight REDUCTION and marathon training.

And for all those who are racing today and tomorrow: I am praying for you to be strong and injury free!


Suzy said... 1

Congratulations Stormee.M!

Laurie said... 2

I haven't ever done a race like that. I think it would be a lot of fun, though. Sometimes it just more fun to get really dirty. Glad you made it through the swamp and had a good run today.

Unknown said... 3

I think those mud runs look like a blast! I ran the Living History Farms Race here in Des Moines last year and there were 8 water crossings and climbs up steep steep muddy embankments! It was so much fun! I plan to run it this year and will go in costume like so many thousands that did last year. I think maybe a Steampunk theme!

Steel Springs said... 4

Wow! That mud run looks really dirty, but fun.

Marlene said... 5

YES, there is a local Mud Run here that I do every year, and it also finishes in a pit. So much crazy, dirty fun!