1. I think I am really enjoying this low mileage week, especially after two 10s and a 21 last week. I am amazed at how fast my legs feel on 5 and 6 mile runs... this is WHY we follow a plan, right? Remind me this when I am return to cursing it next week when I bump back up before a taper.
2. I am starting to freak out about attempting a dramatic PR at Baltimore Half Marathon on October 15th. It never dawned on me that I had potential to get a huge PR. I was fine with treating it as a long run. Until... coach gave me pointers on making it. I hate the pressure I put on myself.
3. Gabbana is a pain in the rear. It is like the time you REALLY want another baby (you know, after your 1st baby is easy...). You get pregnant, forget the morning sickness, the sleepless nights, the heartburn, the labor pains, the sore nipples... more sleepless nights... only for those cute smiles, silly giggles, and precious moments.
Yes, Gabbi and I *do* have a lot of moments. Most of those moments are awesome. The moments that aren't so awesome seem to be harder on me. I know it will get better... but whose idea was it to get a "puppy" in the middle of marathon training? Pleeeeeaaassssssse, stop barking at 2am!
Dog barking at 2am, why not get up and go for a run...
OK so what about a PR in that half, why are you worrying. in the 6 months since your last half you have become a machine, and I bet you will fly under 2 hours without racing!!!
Gabbi will grow up, and then you'll long for her puppy days.
Relax about that Half. Make a plan that gets you to your goals, and follow the plan. 'nuff said.
@ Coach - under 2 hours is a given! It's how far under 2 hours that's in question :-)
We will let her answer that question in 2 weeks...
So excited for your half. I am going for a half PR that weekend too! Let the mojo be with us!
oh puppies....
You will definitely PR just follow your plan.
And sending you good vibes with Gabbi. Nelly (11 months) is slowly sending me over the edge. Puppies are hard work!
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