John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where have I been and 200th post (giveaway!)

Okay... this is my 200th post that I have been avoiding... not because I did not want to do the giveaway, but because I have been SWAMPED. My twin sister, Janet, FBed me and said, "Update your blog. You do not have to do the giveaway" and it got me thinking... did my loyal followers think I was avoiding updating my blog because I was pulling together my giveaway. NOT THE CASE. I have been waiting for this giveaway for months... I was going to do it before the marathon. Then right after, but I got carried away with 7 posts about the marathon recap - can you say anal?

So why the delay? Well, as you know, I am in seminary, I work part-time, I sub at my children's elementary school, I try my best to take care of two kids and a husband, and I do try to run... and to top it all off, I was having post marathon depression. I needed something to work towards... my little goal of "completing the marathon" had been accomplished, now what? NO ONE TALKS ABOUT POST RACE BLUES... or if I did read that on your blog I probably felt that it would not happen to me, but it did.

I am still running... in fact, I have a new PR to brag about... if you do not follow me on Facebook, you were not informed (Look me up on Facebook: Jennifer Farren Green):

Nov.  6th: Ran naked with Bob - 6 miles, no Garmin
Nov.  7th: Ran 6.64 with TriGuy - 1:00:25
Nov.  9th: Ran 5.56 with Bob - 56:14
Nov. 10th: 1:15 pm - 4 miles - 34:12 (ran to my exam)
Nov. 10th: 2:30 pm - 4.1 miles - 36:43 (tried to beat my time running to school)
Nov. 13th: Candy Cane City 5k race - 23:55 - PR (my chip did not work)
Nov. 14th: 10.14 miles - 1:27:14
Nov. 17th: 6.33 miles - 49:31

Are you noticing anything about the above runs and times? Yeah, I am getting faster. All because I trained for the marathon. I am bummed and still have not heard back from the race officials about my chip not recording anything on the 5k PR... does it still count? It was an easy, flat, out and back race and I really, really want to claim that PR.

And this Thursday, I am racing the Turkey Chase 10k with Bob. It is a hilly course and I am not trying to PR, but just have fun with Bob. I am going to try and PR with a 10k at the Jingle All the Way 10k in DC on December 12th.

I am feeling great and strong, but overwhelmed with a gazillion essays for my classes and for ordination. I am thankful that I was recertified as a candidate for the Order of the Deacons yesterday... and just need to finish my essays for the Hebrew class by this Saturday at 6pm... life gets in the way of blogging sometimes.

And before I announce the giveaway, I am trying to decide if I should do the National Marathon or Half Marathon. My goal for 2011 is to compete in some Tris... and if I train for a marathon, it may be hard to get in all of the training required for a Sprint and Oly... but so many of you are running the marathon, I would LOVE to do it with you. UGH... why can't I just be a professional runner? How fast do I have to get to have sponsors to pay for race entries? Sometimes life gets in the way of running too, but I manage to get those in instead of blogging.

Okay, the giveaway. I am giving away a:        8G iPod Touch... brand new, in the factory sealed container. (Note: It is not the new one that does video). Would you like to win it? Have one already... think AWESOME Christmas for a loved one.

Here is how you can enter:

1. MANDATORY: Be a follower of mine (leave a comment)
2. MANDATORY: Share the news, blog about it, facebook it, twitter it... shout it - comment for EACH
3. OPTIONAL: share your advice: can I train for a marathon and a Sprint Tri.
4. OPTIONAL: Ask me a question... something you are dying to know!

The winner will be announced on: Turkey Day 2010. Gobble Gobble!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 228   Newer›   Newest»
God's daughter said... 1

I am a follower of you Jen.

God's daughter said... 2

My random question about this post: For Nov 6th. It says ran naked with Bob. Is that for real?

misszippy said... 3

Putting it on my blog

BTW--I ran that turkey 10k in Bethesda years ago. I was on cold medicine and puked on a volunteers shoes when I entered the chute. Nice, huh?

misszippy said... 4

I think you can do both the marathon and tri's--BUT--I would schedule the tri's for later on to give yourself time to recover, time to train on the bike/swim. So maybe a June time frame for the sprint (we have the wonderful celebration tri here in Columbia!) and then July or August for the Oly.

misszippy said... 5

Question--I have two ministers in my family. Both say they received clear "signs" from God that that was the path to follow. How did you know it was what you were supposed to do?

God's daughter said... 6

I posted on FB.

Anonymous said... 7

I'm a follower! Can we say best giveaway ever??

Anonymous said... 8

I linked this giveaway on my blog

Anonymous said... 9

I tweeted about this giveaway

Karen said... 10

I follow you.

Anonymous said... 11

You've probably answered this before so I apologize if you have but what do you think has been your greatest challenge in keeping off all the weight you have lost?


I follow!


You are linked on my sidebar!

Molly said... 14

wow, what a fantastic giveaway! I follow! : )


Yes, you can train for both. Remember how I "forgot" to train for my sprint tri last summer? I still rocked that thing. Either way, you can do it.

Molly said... 16

I tweeted the giveaway.....

Anonymous said... 17

I'm a follower and would love to win :)

Amy Lauren


My question: What do you eat on a normal day? You are the incredible shrinking woman!

Molly said... 19

a question....hmmmm....well, since I'm always thinking of my next meal, what are some of your favorite healthy foods?

Anonymous said... 20

I'm pretty sure you could train for a marathon and and triathlon. Granted you wouldn't want to do that right after another, but you'll have the running down from the marathon training so just have to worry about the swimming and biking.

Amy Lauren

Dee said... 21

I'm a follower!

Janet said... 22

i follow you

Anonymous said... 23

Something I'm dying to know, is if you have any running traditions such as always eating the same thing before a run or wearing something special?

Amy Lauren

Janet said... 24

i faced book it..

Joanna said... 25

i am a follower.

Joanna said... 26

i posted on fb about giveaway.

Janet said... 27

opened my front door and shouted that "My twin sister was doing a blog for a Ipod before she would give it to me" I guess I need to win it.

*~*~* Tracy said... 28

I tweeted (I love saying that). :D

Janet said... 29

I twittered it as well...

Janet said... 30

I blogged about it here:

Janet said... 31

Question: why wont you help your twin sister lose weight too.. no really post a good meal plan or workout plan which you stuck by to lose your weight. I need help here....

*~*~* Tracy said... 32

My goal for next year is a sprint tri. There's a nice flat one in Hagerstown in June (IIRC) that might be a good one to tri (hehehe). There's also a women only sprint tri in Frederick in Sept (I think it's then, my memory stinks) that is supposed to be a non techinical ride and pretty flat run.

You are super amazing so you will definitely be able to both - and probably more! - with little trouble. I think the key would be to time them so you have enough time in between to recover.

Janet said... 33

Advise: I think you can do anything you put your mind too if it lines up with Gods Will. Just dont try to be a superwomen and get hurt.Then you cant do ya...

*~*~* Tracy said... 34

Your sister's comments are cracking me up! If you do a meal and workout plan for Janet, you should share it with the rest of us so we can all be amazing, too.

My question is this - are your Hebrew essays in Hebrew or are you just commenting on the English translation in relation to the original Hebrew? (and I don't mean 'just' like that's no big deal 'cause it is). :D

Rene' said... 35

I am a follower:)

Rene' said... 36

I have posted you to my facebook page.

Rene' said... 37

okay, you know my feeling about the marathon. I want you to run it because I am coming to run and Tonia and Ginny are running it and I think that I have talked my friend into coming too. I think that you can train for both the marathon and a sprint tri. you can swim and bike on your off days. So I say yes......yes to full National:)

Rene' said... 38

My question for you is : How do you find time to eat healthy when you are so busy? I am definitely struggling with that.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 39

I follow you and your bloggy life and your running life and your facebook life...okay I stalk.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 40

I linked your giveaway on FB!

God's daughter said... 41

I posted on my blog:

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 42

Marathon and Sprint Tri. I know that a person can train for both events not a problem at all. The reall question is can YOU train for the kind of outcome you want for both events?

If your goals can line up with a realistic training program that allows you to properly train and fufill your heavy personal load of responsibilities, then YES. YOU CAN. Only you really know what you are capable of doing and what you are willing to GIVE 9and give up) to get it. Use all the advice and encouragement you get, but in the end, make the decision based on what you already know!

God's daughter said... 43

I tweeted about this giveaway

God's daughter said... 44

Advice: Train for the one that is going to be the hardest/longest and you should be ready for the easier one.

Pam @ said... 45

Linked you in on my sidebar.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 46

A question.

I am emailing you this question on FB. You'll see why. If you wish to share it I'll leave that up to you.

Pam @ said... 47

I think you could absolutely do both! But you would probably have to focus more on one than the other. If you just want to get your feet wet in the world of tri-ing, focus on the marathon training and just swim and bike on your cross-train days. You can totally fake your way through a sprint tri! Or if you're not looking for a marathon PR, focus more on the swimming and biking and drop back to running only three days a week or so! Lots of marathon training plans only call for 3x a week, so it can be done!

(BTW, that PR TOTALLY counts!)

Mrs. Mom said... 48

I am a follower...

Mrs. Mom said... 49

I Facebooked about your giveaway!

Mrs. Mom said... 50

How long have you been a Christ-follower? And what are your plans once you finish seminary?

Mrs. Mom said... 51

I think you can do the marathon training and a sprint-tri at the same time. I've considered that as well and the research I found said that if you're a strong runner then a sprint-tri is very do-able. Your legs are strong so swimming and biking shouldn't be too difficult! Hope you choose to do it and share how the training went for you!

Mrs. Mom said... 52

I tweeted about your giveaway!

Mrs. Mom said... 53

I put it on my blog...

MCM Mama said... 54

I'm a follower.

MCM Mama said... 55

I mentioned the giveaway on my MCM Mama facebook page.

Anonymous said... 56

I am a follower

Anonymous said... 57

Tweeted it! @AmBlessedBeyond

Anonymous said... 58

I have a statement, not a question...I admire you, an others like you, who run for enjoyment, who run marathons for pleasure, and who run marathons for charity. It is a blessing to see.

S Club Mama said... 59

I stole Shelly's FB status & posted it as my own LOL (

S Club Mama said... 60

I tweeted (!/sclubmama/status/5347230433148928)

S Club Mama said... 61

shared on my blog giveaway page (

S Club Mama said... 62

my question because I have no advice - I can't swim so definitely no tri advice LOL

my question is: what do you want to do after seminary? head pastor, children's pastor, youth pastor, women's pastor? something else? lol

gba_gf said... 63

I follow you!

WannabeRunner said... 64

Awesome giveaway!

I came here to congratulate you on your 5k PR!! AMAZING time!!

abbi said... 65

I'm a follower!

gba_gf said... 66

I did my sprint tri DURING my marathon training. I subbed it for a "hard effort mid length run". If you have any questions about THAT experience, you know where to reach me.

abbi said... 67

I posted a link on my blog!

abbi said... 68

The National Marathon is pretty early in the year, so I'd say you could do both if the tri's a little later!

gba_gf said... 69

My question - and I haven't read through to see if you've already been asked ... where are you staying when we all run National Marathon/Half Marathon together in March? (snicker snicker)...

OH alright - the real question, why did you decide to go back to school? it's one thing to be called to God, but entirely something else to be a mom, take classes, run a wicked LOT, and be awesome all at the same time. So, I'm curious why you went for it.

erindegroff said... 70

I'm a follower!

gba_gf said... 71

I posted on FB!

Heather said... 72

I am a follower!!

Heather said... 73

I wrote about this give away on my sidebar.

Heather said... 74

I think you can train for a marathon and a sprint. You are already doing the running. The biking and swimming wont' take that much more time.

Heather said... 75

I like a previous commenters question about a "sign" that may have happened for you to enter the ministry.

Unknown said... 76

I think training for a marathon and a sprint will be easy if you are okay with doubling up on some days. You really only need a few days per week each for cycling and swimming. Depnding on how many days per week you are running, you may need to cut back there, but the other training will keep your cardio fitness up.

Lifesong... said... 77

I am a follower of your blog!

Lifesong... said... 78

facebooked it!

Lifesong... said... 79

how long do you think you need to have a running base before you train for a marathon?

Lifesong... said... 80

Advice- Just keep running and have fun! Maybe do another half and PR it?

ajh said... 81

What distance race would you like to do?

April said... 82

I'm a follower!
Way to go Jen! That is a killer 5k PR!!!

April said... 83

I posted a link on my blog sidebar!

April said... 84

As far as training for a marathon and a sprint tri, I think you could do both. You have already proven that you are a rock star~!

April said... 85

What was the single most difficult part of the whole marathon experience for you?

Anonymous said... 86

i'm a follower =)

Anonymous said... 87

will respot on my sunday funday post!

Anonymous said... 88

fbooked it

Anonymous said... 89

other than the one in your header...wat are some of your go to verses in tough times (training or life in general!)

Anonymous said... 90

honestly as cliched as it sounds...if you put your mind to it you can totally train for both! the swimming and biking will force you to cross train!

Jeff said... 91

Train for speed in the half marathon and a sprint in the spring, then Olympic tri's this summer. Your cardio is waaaaaaaaaaay fine for a tri (definitely a sprint and likely an Olympic), even though the nerves are always an issue when you have to get in the water for an OWS.

PS - don't want to be entered for the iPod but wanted to get you closer to 100 replies....

Catey said... 92

I am a follower!

Catey said... 93

I Tweeted!
(and I think this is comment 100. woo-hoo! :P)

Catey said... 94

Um, anxious to read through some of the replies about Tri/Marathon training because that's what I'm hoping to do next year. I have done a couple of Tris, but would like to run my first marathon this year as well without giving up the Tris which are think are super fun!
So I guess my advice is go for it! Pay attention to your body and if you feel like you need to cut back, cut back. Or look at your Marathon training plan and see where it is easy to fit a tri in toward the beginning of it. Swimming and biking make for great cross-training, right? :)

~*Andrea*~ said... 95

following your blog (grove79) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

~*Andrea*~ said... 96

blogged about it shadygrove79 at aol dot com

~*Andrea*~ said... 97

tweeted user meadowsgrove shadygrove79 at aol dot com

~*Andrea*~ said... 98

I bet you could train for a marathon and sprint tri! You can do anything if you try but it would definately be ALOT of time and work to put in :) shadygrove79 at aol dot com

~*Andrea*~ said... 99

At what are did you get into running? :) My question!
shadygrove79 at aol dot com

Trish said... 100

I'm a follower!

Trish said... 101

I put a little blurb on my blog :)

Erika said... 102

I'm following:)

Erika said... 103

I'm now linking you on my sidebar!

Erika said... 104

Posting about it on facebook!

Sara said... 105

I'm a follower of yours! :)

Sara said... 106

I added your giveaway and a link to your site on my blog.

Sara said... 107

Spread the word through my FB too!

Sara said... 108

My training advice? I have never run a full marathon or done a tri so I admire your aspirations to do both! One of my goals is to run a marathon so I would do that before a tri. Best of luck to you!! :)

Sara said... 109

My question for you - is running ever spiritual for you or do you feel like it is time for you to be closer to God?

XLMIC said... 110

I am a follower!

XLMIC said... 111

Posted a link on my sidebar!

XLMIC said... 112

In my experience with training for a marathon and some other endurance-ish activity (rowing...I've never done a tri... swimming and I, not good), is that it can absolutely be done. I would agree with previous advice about competing in the longer of the two first... training for the longer event. Use that training as a springboard for the fitness and hours you'll need to put in for the tri. Good luck to you!

XLMIC said... 113

Is there any one thing that you either think of or hear (if you listen to music) while running that just always is able to get you going when you're dragging?

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said... 114

I'm a follower!! :D awesome giveaway!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said... 115

I'd say go for it if you really want to do both!:) You could always use training for the tri as cross training for your marathon?!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said... 116

I posted your giveaway on my blog!!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said... 117

i tweeted!! :D (@superwoman4002)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said... 118

do you do any speed drills?

Rusthawk said... 119

I'm following you!

Caroline said... 120

I follow you

Caroline said... 121

I tweeted (@carotabi)

Unknown said... 122

following you!

EricaH said... 123

I'm a follower

Unknown said... 124

I am a follower. I also don't own an ipod so this would be pretty cool to win!

Unknown said... 125

I posted on facebook yesterday about this!

Unknown said... 126

I posted a link to my blogs sidebar!

Unknown said... 127

I tweeted too :)

Unknown said... 128

I have not trained for a sprint tri but I am inclined that training for both would be beneficial. If it were me I would focus on the Tri and let my expectations go as far as meeting a specific time on the marathon but I would do both. The cross training would be great!

Unknown said... 129

do you plan to have more kiddos??

Caratunk Girl said... 130

I follow you

Kruns2 said... 131

Holy Giveaway! You sure went big didn't you. Hooray for us blog stockers. I've been followin' already!

Kruns2 said... 132

Gotcha on my blog bar.

Kruns2 said... 133

Tweet Tweet...

Kruns2 said... 134

FB'ed the giveaway

sAm said... 135

I am a follower!

sAm said... 136

And...I've posted a blog post about the giveaway!

sAm said... 137

And yes...I do have a question...have you always led a faith driven life or did you come into it later? No good reason for my question - I just fin it very inspiring your walk with God and was wondering if you have always had the strong faith you show.

Isela said... 138

Tweet Tweet: @purlingsprite

Isela said... 139

FB'ed :)

Isela said... 140

I follow you in my RSS reader

Isela said... 141

This is an awesome giveaway!

As to your question, you can most definitely train for a full marathon and a Sprint tri at the same time. It is all about time management. You need to write down your schedule and follow it completely. This year, I did 3 marathons and 3 triathlons, including a half-ironman. You can most definitely do it!

Mimi said... 142

I blogged about it here:

hoerauf at comcast dot net

Mimi said... 143

My question is, why did you start running?

hoerauf at comcast dot net

jhitomi said... 144

I follow as jhb. I emailed others about this. And my question is: you do so much in your life...what motivates you to run on those days when you just don't feel like it?
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

**Sheena** said... 145

I am now a follower.

Unknown said... 146

I am a follower.

Unknown said... 147

I tweeted this giveaway.

Unknown said... 148

As a tri coach, I say you ABSOLUTELY can train for a marathon and a sprint tri. The tri training would actually really compliment the marathon training with extra cardiovascular work without as much impact as running. The key would be to make sure you are not missing any of your long runs for marathon training. Have fun!!

Heather Vance said... 149

What an incredible giveaway and an amazing accomplishment (both on keeping your blog going and your marathon!)I am now a follower!

Heather Vance said... 150

Jen, I also posted the giveaway to my FB page. I would love to add it to my blog, but my blog died after 4 posts! :)

Sandra said... 151

I am following your blog

Sandra said... 152

I posted your blog to facebook

Felice Devine said... 153

Congrats on the PR!!

I follow you :-)

aquariumcoral said... 154

giveaways are always cool, posted your blog on my facebook :)

Terri said... 155

Following! And thank you!

Terri said... 156

Adding you to the Giveaway section of my blog

Terri said... 157

And linking on FB

Terri said... 158

I think that training for a marathon and a triathlon is certainly doable, but you do have an awful lot on your plate! :)

Terri said... 159

And here is my question, although you can ignore it if it's too personal: Do you ever have times that test your faith? If so, how do you handle them?

Heidi Austin, PT, DPT said... 160


Heidi Austin, PT, DPT said... 161

yah u can train for a sprint and marathon at the same time... but i wouldnt expect your run time to be too fast in the sprint... all that LSD will kill your speed

Heidi Austin, PT, DPT said... 162

i would do them far enough away from each other.... :)

One Crazy Penguin said... 163

I'm a follower :)

One Crazy Penguin said... 164

Shared on my blog

One Crazy Penguin said... 165

I think you can train for both as long as you train smart and listen to your body. Definitely possible.

One Crazy Penguin said... 166

What's your dream race to run? Boston? NY?

Wanna Be Iron Mommy said... 167

I am now a follower!

Wanna Be Iron Mommy said... 168

and I tweeted (@WannaBIronMommy)

kimert said... 169

I'm a follower!

kimert said... 170

I linked this on my blog!!

kimert said... 171

I have no advice regarding training for a marathon and tri. But I think you can totally do it especially if you are thinking about it. ;)

kimert said... 172

Ask you anything....hmm..
Can you just go ahead and pick me to win?? LOL I kid, I kid!

Anonymous said... 173

linked back today!

Anonymous said... 174

posted on fb!

Allison said... 175

I'm a new follower!!!!

Allison said... 176

Putting you on my blog giveaway gadget now!

Allison said... 177

You can totally train for both a sprint tri and a marathon! Adding swimming and biking will only increase your fitness level and help you in your marathon training. PLUS swimming is a great recovery workout after a long run!

Allison said... 178

What keeps you motivated?

Cynthia said... 179

I am a new follower!!! :)

Cynthia said... 180

I'm no expert but i think you could totally train for both a spring tri and a marathon. Use swimming/biking as your cross training days and use the short distance running as your tempo runs!

Cynthia said... 181

My question to you would be, when life is busy, how do you manage to get get all your workouts in?

Stacie said... 182

I posted the giveaway on my blog.

Stacie said... 183

I tweeted ~ windyrunner

Stacie said... 184

I posted a link on Facebook.

Stacie said... 185

I emailed the link to all of my friends.

Stacie said... 186

I finished my first Sprint Tri on 9/11 and then the Portland Marathon on 10/10. If I can do it, anyone can.

Stacie said... 187

What are your favorite snack foods? Or healthy meal options in general that still taste great?

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 188

congratulations on your 200th post
I am your newest follower (Louis)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 189

I shared on my Face Book

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Ever Strong said... 190

im a new follower

BigHappyFamily said... 191

New follower.

BigHappyFamily said... 192

tweet the giveaway from @bighappyfamily

BigHappyFamily said... 193

I would only train for the marathon OR tri, not both.

BigHappyFamily said... 194

Question: What is your favorite blog to READ?

Ever Strong said... 195

posted it on my blog, and im a follower

Kelly said... 196

Just became a follower. LOVE your reasons for running under MY FAITH. AWESOME!

Heather Vance said... 197

What do you eat to get all of the energy to "wear all of your different hats"? Keep up the good work.

Heather Vance

Elizabeth said... 198

Already a follower of your blog

Elizabeth said... 199

Giveaway is listed on my blog sidebar

Elizabeth said... 200

Yes you can train for both can easily use swim and bike for xtraining, do the marathon first then the tri with the endurance and base there you will only be training for speed.

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