John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

I know, I know... I seemed to have skipped right over the fact that I ran 18.5 miles on Saturday, right? I know... I know, I was only supposed to run 18... but I ran more. Shoot me, okay.

Well, the reason I am skipping right over it - is because my sister-in-law Kirsten finished her 2nd Ironman yesterday. Seriously... she swam over 2 miles, biked 112 miles and ran 26.2 miles. It makes my 18.5 miles seem pathetic. She competed in the Louisville Ironman. I never dream of completing an Ironman... but completing a Tri is my goal of 2011.

The other reason why I am not going to blog about my 18.5 miles is that it wasn't too different from my 17 miler last week... except, I had Bob and we tried the run 3 minutes/walk 1 minute routine for 14 miles. I was fine until mile 15 and then it hurt to stop and start.

Another amazing thing about Bob is that he offered to run mile 11-24 of the Marine Corp Marathon with me. Apparently, that part of the course is boring (he did his research). I was so flabbergasted that I did not even say, "yes!" I had to email him today to make sure he knew how awesome that offer was and that I TOTALLY accept it.

Back to my post title: Today, my little man, Brock started Kindergarten. I could not sleep all night due to an upset stomach. Not sure if it was my nerves or something I ate, but I got up and ran my 4 miles at 5am (hubby stayed home to see him get on the bus) and my legs were slow. I think it took like 39 minutes (compared to 32 minutes last week). I spent a lot of time talking to God during the run.

Kiera ended up without any girlfriends in her 2nd grade class, but she had a great day.

My first day of school was... well, uneventful. Besides the fact that the professor is a little like the teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and EVERYONE was so young. Seriously, I felt like an old lady. I had students ask me which High School I graduated from... really? It is more like: "What grade is your kid in?"

And for all of you marathon experts... how do I get to 26.2? My marathon training plan only calls for 20 milers. After doing 18.5, I can visualize 19, 20... but not 26.2. Tell me how that works, please!


ajh said... 1

The excitement of race day will get you there.

Unknown said... 2

i've never done a marathon, but it seems common for training to go to 20. i don't understand it either.

S Club Mama said... 3

your kids are adorable! All the marathon training schedules that I've seen (and obviously never done -yet) seem to go to 20 miles only. But a lot of the half marathons only go to 10, too.

thank you for your comment on my blog (do you have an email address where I can write you back when you comment?). Normally how it works is that our kids go to the nursery during Sunday School. Then after SS we pick them up for the service - usually with no problem (Thomas the Tank Engine was the problem this week). Then Tristan usually sits in the service well, playing quietly. Isaac usually wants to walk around (understandable; if I'd just learned to walk, I'd want to walk too) so I usually take him out to the foyer (where there is a tv to listen to the service). We just didn't know if we should leave the kids in the nursery until after the service was over. We're thinking we may as well leave Isaac in the nursery since we go out with him every week. But usually Tristan does well so I think we'll keep taking him. We've taken both of them to services since they were born, so it's not like this is a new thing for them...probably just a bad week :)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 4

At a certain point, with proper training (building a mileage base) you can run any distance. It is simply forward movement. You can and you will achieve 26.2 even if your longest run is long 20 miles. I first...well all of my marathons (15 I think including the ultras) I never did a training run of more than 20 miles in one day and most of my mileage is split a.m. and p.m. runs. You'll do great!

The kiddos look ready for school. That is such fun!

Congrats to your siste-in-law!

BTW ~ You look so great! I just can't say it enough.

Pam @ said... 5

That Bob is one heck of a guy!!!

Lindsay said... 6

Congrats to your SIL!! And nice job on your long run. It's great that you have a good LR buddy, and offering to keep you company in the marathon is too cool.