John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just call me.... McShorty!

I officially started Marathon Training yesterday. I began Day 1: Cross Training by doing 900m in the pool. I was going to do more, but we got an afternoon thunderstorm, so we had to head home.

This morning... I finally did it. I asked my husband to get me up when his alarm went off so I could run. At precisely 4:05 am (not sure why it isn't set for 4am), I reluctantly got up and got dressed. It took me 10 minutes to get out the door.... I was really asleep.

It was only 3 miles this morning.... I laughed at how easy this plan was going to start off but I doubt I could have done more than 3 miles that early. I did 3.1 miles in 30:01. Not the best time, but considering the fact that I ran half asleep, I was happy.

It was strange to run that early. I was surprised by all of the houses that had lights on that early. I was completely unnerved by every shadow and parked car, but it got easier. It felt like a long 3 miles, but I made it home.

I wiped off my face and legs and arms with a wash cloth and got back into bed. It was harder than I thought to fall back to sleep. I should have showered, but just did not have the energy. Since it was laundry day, I knew I had to change the sheets anyway. When the kids came in around 6, I sent them downstairs and ended up staying in bed until 7am. UGH.

I showered and got ready for the day. I hope this becomes a habit sooner than later as all day I was a zombie. I guess I should take up coffee if I continue to do it.

Tomorrow, I have 5 miles, but I am thankful that Bob will fun them with me in the evening.

Another thing I did yesterday was to pack up all of the heels. I have a major height complex, but I read that if you wear heels for 1 hour, it takes 3 days for your calves to recover. I do not have 3 days, so I packed up my precious heels. I am even tossing my cheap flip-flops. I need to protect my new precious things - my FEET.
What have you given up to begin your marathon training?


Unknown said...

i've never trained for a marathon, just half marathons, but I would say that I have given up SLEEP for training!

MCM Mama said...

I gave up free time. I ended up spending most of the time my younger son was at preschool running...

I also had to give up high heels. They really messed up my knee during training for my first marathon.

Good luck getting used to the morning runs. I've never been able to manage it.

Unknown said...

I gave up heels too and although I am fairly tall its weird to be running barefoot and feel so short! Its because everyone has a couple inches of shoe more than I do!!!

I haven't had to give anything up yet but I know its coming! Just not sure what yet.
You are amazing for getting up so early!

Michelle said...

Way to go on getting out there! I've never been great at getting up early for runs

Mark said...

My that is early!!! Good luck in your training!


Good luck! I have given up sleep and free time!

Marlene said...

Ditching the heels is a sure sign of marathon training! Your calves will thank you.

Heather said...

I've given up staying up late so i can wake up early to run.

misszippy said...

Wow--never heard that about heels! I guess I'm lucky that I work from home and don't need to worry about that. And 4:05 a.m.! I am impressed. My earliest is 4:30.

Pam @ said...

That makes me so sad to hear about the heels! I LOVE my heels! And you're ditching the flipflops too? During the summer months, I'm always wearing either heels or flipflops. I MIGHT could give up one or the other, but no way could I do both!

gba_gf said...

I had to give up "morning" Dairy. I can't drink anything in my coffee that's real, and I can't do milk w/ my cereal.... and I had to give up "late night Dairy"... which is really tragic because I like a bowl of cereal on days when I run hard in the morning & class causes me to miss dinner. Somehow cereal was an ideal meal replacement. And now, no milk.

And Heels. Yea, I wear them on rare occasions, thankfully as a SAHM it's really rare, no one expects fabulous shoes on me. I'm not ready to give them all up though.

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...


1. I could NEVER run at that hour, I would turn off the alarm and go back to bed, thankfully I live in WA so I can run mid-day and I have trails near my office.

2. I don't wear heels, can you guess why? I love that you are so dedicated.

3. I am soooo excited to welcome you to the club...

Kirsten said...

I feel your early morning pain! In AR I ran at 5:30 AM all summer long but could only make b/c there were people to meet to run with! Then if I went on my own, it just took one "too late" morning of running in the heat to motivate me to get out of bed EARLY!

I can only wear birkenstocks, dansko's and chaco's. Goodbye cute flats and flip flops. So sad! It's like being an old lady! Occasionally I wear heels if it's only for an hour or two. (like once every 3 or 4 months!!!) Worth it though! :)

Keep up the awesome training!!!