John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ironman Lake Placid - Just Breathe

Pre-race swim
When asking for prayers for my Ironman, I asked for people to pray for me to: "Just breathe" on the swim. Why? Because I have been notorious for my freakouts. Freakouts that sometimes last for the whole swim and only in open water - race or no race. Even during the swim pre-race, I tended to get really anxious - like my wetsuit was too tight kind of anxious.

Ironman Lake Placid's swim was in Mirror Lake. It was a nice lake, somewhat clear and had a yellow cord connecting the buoys. Andy, who did Placid the year before, gave sound advice: Hang back and try to swim on the yellow cord and you won't need to sight often."

I lined up with several of the MoCo Mafia (my Tri training group) to start the swim. The energy level at the start of an Ironman is unmatched by any race I have ever done. You could see the nervousness in each athlete's eyes. I began to tear up at the National Anthem.

And then: BOOM!!! Cannon went off. The crowd's cheers were loud. I felt ready.

Immediately I lost my tri-mates in the water. At first I felt alarmed and then I settled in. I attempted to swim near the yellow cord, but there were a lot of men flailing. I veered to the left and just kept swimming. Before I knew it, I was at the turn. At this point this at least 6 foot, 250 lb man swam over top of me. It happened so fast that I barely knew what happened. I decided to swim in his wake, but I made the mistake of touching his foot. WHAM! He literally (and purposefully) kicked me in the face, twice. OUCH! I hesitated and stopped to tread. Then I got mad. I sprinted to pass him. And immediately found my own.  I passed people left and right.

I made it back to the dock and headed to shore. The time on the clock said 43:01. I was immediately elated and hoped I could make the second loop as fast.

For the second loop, I made it to the yellow cord and swam the entire leg without sighting. It felt awesome and I felt strong. When I would start to think too much, I closed my eyes and pretended to be in the pool. Good thing I am a straight swimmer.

Before long the yellow cord was fading and I knew that meant I was close to the end. I swam until my hands were touching sand and stood up and immediately started to unzip my wetsuit. Clock read: 1:26 - I had practically even swim splits - Wahoo. (official results: Loop 1: 40:18, Loop 2: 41mins)

I had decided pre-swim that I would not lay down to get stripped at the swim exit due to the sand. I had about a 1/2 mile run to transition and it was chilly. I ran with my wetsuit peeled half way down and got to transition. I had minimal help as it was packed. I did a quick scan and did not see any of my tri-mates that I had started with. Either they were in front of me or I beat them out of the water.

I did panic a little because there were no available volunteers and I really wanted some water. I decided on arm warmers and couldn't get them to pull up on my wet arms. I handed my bag to a volunteer and headed to the exit. I asked the volunteer there if she could help and she happily did. As I was running to the bike, the volunteers called out my bib # and my bike was ready for me at the end of my row.

I was ready for the ride and all I could think was: here we go......


coach dion said...

That is about the time I did on my 2nd Ironman and if I ever do a 3rd, I will settle for that sort of time... So with the swim behind you things are looking good.

At this stage in my 1st ironman, I know the rest was easy, but in the 2nd one I was thinking; this is going to be a long day, 180km is 6+ hours on the bike, what have I let myself in for!

What boat are you in at this stage?

The Unexpected Runner said...

That's a great swim time! I worry about getting kicked everytime I start a race. It can be very scary! You did great!

Melissa Cunningham said...

ahhhh! and you STOPPED writing!!!!!!
patiently waiting for more!!!!!!

ANOSH said...

شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده
تعتبر شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده من افضل واقوي الشركات لمكافحة الحشرات فالشركة تقوم بتقديم بافضل الاعمال لمكافحة كافة الحشرات بأنواعها سواء حشرات زاحفه او طائره فاذا كان العميل يعاني من هذه الحشرات بكافة انواعها فعليه الأتصال بشركتنا على الفور شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده والأستعانه بأفضل طاقم عمل على الأطلاق وايضا الأعتماد على أحدث الألات والأجهزه التي تساعدنا على القيام بأعمال الرش للوصول الى الأماكن
شركة تنظيف ببريده
شركة نظافه بريده
الصعبه التي يوجد بها حشرات عميلنا العزيز اذا اردت ان تحصل على الجوده والكفاءه لمكافحة الحشرات والحصول على أقل الأسعار بالأسواق والتخلص من اسعار المبيدات الباهظة الثمن دون فاعلية فعليك الأتصال بنا دون تردد فالشركه على أتم الأستعدادات للوصول الى كل مكان ببريده لمكافحة الحشرات حتى نقدم حياة افضل لعملائنا وراحة من كافة الحشرات
شركة رش مبيدات ببريدة
شركة غسيل وتنظيف مكيفات بالزلفي

اقوى شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده
يوجد شركات كثيره لمكافحة الحشرات ولكن شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريده هي أولى الشركات التي تتخلص نهائيا من الحشرات الأتيه
شركة مكافحة الحشرات عنيزه

ANOSH said...

شركة تنظيف فلل وكنب ومكيفات ببريدة
1-مكافحة الذباب في ببريده
الذباب من اكثر الحشرات التي تجعلنا لا نستمتع بفصل الصيف فعليك عميلنا العزيز ان تستعن بنا على الفور فلدينا مبيدات للقضاء عليه من منزلك حتى تستمتع بقضاء افضل الأوقات مع اسرتك
2-مكافحة البق في بريده
حشرة البق من اكثر الحشرات الناقله للعدوى لأنها تتغذي على دم الانسان فعليك الأتصال بنا على الفور للحفاظ على سلامة اسرتك
شركة غسيل فرشات ببريدة
3-مكافحة الفئران في بريده
الفئران من اكثر الحشرات التي تسبب الفوضى وحاله من الأشمئزاز داخل المنزل وهي تنتشر بكثره في الليل فعليك بالأتصال بنا للقضاء علية نهائيا بأحدث الأجهزه والمبيدات الحشريه
شركة تنظيف موكيت وسجاد ببريده
شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريدة
مكافحة الصراصير فى بريده
الصراصير من الحشرات التي تسبب التسمم الغذائي وتسبب لنا الأحراج مع ضيوفنا اذا اردت التخلص منها نهائيا عليك عميلنا العزيز الأستعانه بنا لنخلصك نهائيا منها
شركة مكافحة قوارض ببريدة
شركة تنظيف مجالس ومفروشات ببريدة
عميلنا العزيز اذا كنت تريد التخلص من كافة الحشرات السيئه الزاحفة او الطائره نهائيا فعليك بالاتصال بنا والتعاقد مع شركتنا شركة مكافحة حشرات بريده فنحن نعطيك الثقه والجوده العاليه للمبيدات الحشريه والألات الحديثه وطاقم عمل باعلى المهارات وكل هذا بأقل الأسعار

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