Not Over Training - I have accepted the fact that perhaps I do not get the results I want at races because I am over training. Yes, I am admitting it. I have lots of time and when I get stressed or sad, I workout. I think it culminating with me completing an Olympic Tri (there was a few hours in between each workout) a week ago. I have decided to find a plan and follow it. No making stuff up.
IMLP - A fellow DCTri friend laid down the gauntlet for IMLP. Eek! I haven't even done a HIM. I'm nervous to sign up, but I have more than enough time to over analyze as registration isn't until the middle of July.
Bike Name - I still haven't named my new bike. The name I am considering is PB&J for Pixie Blue and Jen (me) but I'm not in love. Can you help me name her?
yea! Your back!!!!
Well you can also join Team Augusta ... though I'm rapidly losing lodging space.
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