John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Not Over Training -  I have accepted the fact that perhaps I do not get the results I want at races because I am over training. Yes, I am admitting it. I have lots of time and when I get stressed or sad, I workout. I think it culminating with me completing an Olympic Tri (there was a few hours in between each workout) a week ago. I have decided to find a plan and follow it. No making stuff up.

IMLP -  A fellow DCTri friend laid down the gauntlet for IMLP. Eek! I haven't even done a HIM. I'm nervous to sign up, but I have more than enough time to over analyze as registration isn't until the middle of July.

Bike Name -  I still haven't named my new bike. The name I am considering is PB&J for Pixie Blue and Jen (me) but I'm not in love. Can you help me name her?


gba_gf said...

yea! Your back!!!!

Cat said...

Well you can also join Team Augusta ... though I'm rapidly losing lodging space.