John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Me, Myself & Irene

With Irene practically shutting the city down, I decided to get my run in early this morning. I woke up at 3:40, and by 4:45, I was out the door. My Garmin even had a hard time finding a satellite.

Today I only had ten since I was scheduled to run the Annapolis 10-miler (which got cancelled by the Annapolis City Emergency Management). I started off nice and slow to give my legs a nice warm up.

Confession: I missed two 8 milers and a 4 miler this week, but added a 6 miler on my Cross Day.

It was dark. And the sky looked sort of scary with all of the clouds. I started off in the hood and once  I warmed up (did I mention I didn't run 3 days in a row). I decided to start pushing a little. Mile 4-7was under 8:30.

Off and on Irene offered nice breezes that were nice and refreshing misty rain, which I normally HATE. In between the wind and mist, it was hot... humid and STICKY! My legs felt strong and I kept pushing it.

It was nice to finish in 1:27. Not a 10 mile PR, but probably a lot better than I would have done at the race tomorrow... it was kinda hilly.

And honestly, I feel like I am getting used to running solo again. I mean, a few weeks ago, I dreaded going on long runs alone. I am still not in love with the idea, but I felt good. Not overly tired or that I pushed myself too much (maybe I needed to run faster). I still prefer to run with company... I miss conversations, but it is my situations right now.

Has Irene affected your running schedule? I plan on running 10 miles tomorrow too. It will probably be on Milles though because it will be raining... but I will try to get out if I can.


Melissa Cunningham said...

great way to get that 10 miler in!
im goin to try to hit the TM today for some much needed speed work! and yes,our town was effected by Irene,but it was not nearly as bad as predicted!
i hope you stayed safe,and that you got another run in, and oh yeah,hope the power stayed on!!

Carrie said...

Great job on getting the 10-miler in! Sounds like you were satisfied with the effort. I wish I had done the same but lately I've been completely unmotivated running long solo, which I usually enjoy, and have been turning off my alarm. I need my mojo back!

So instead of going long I hit the TM for some intervals on Saturday while Irene rained on us. Still not convinced I'm running Parks Half in 2 weeks though. If I do it'll likely be a training run and not the PR I wished for.

Mimi said...

I am always in awe of your stamina & determination.

Hugs & love,

Sara said...

Way to go, girl! I wish had just a little bit of your motivation and perseverance right now!

Stay safe too!