And I have been dying to copy Tonia, but since I am running in the dark at 3:30 and 4 am, I had to wait until my Saturday long run. Bob wanted to run from Fletcher's Boat House to the US Capital building and back. Perfect for a snap shot of a run (although, not my normal run)
So without further delay:
This is me and my running COACH (partner), Bob. He is photo shy, so here is his back and he is getting stuff out of his trunk so we can start our run. We got a 1/2 hour late start since Bob lost electricity... and it was HOT. I think I have the "after glow" and I haven't even started yet.
This was my first mile. I know it is blurry. In the beginning miles, I did not stop to take the shot, we kept running.
At mile 1.5, we saw this, so I had to stop and take a picture of this handsome bird.
Mile 2 was another blurry shot of the path. It was muddy because we have had lots of rain and the canal was full.
At mile 3, we were almost to the Kennedy Center, so I waited until 3.2 to take a better shot. The Kennedy Center is on the left and the Potomac River is on the right. The path before the river is where we are running.
I have to admit that mile 4 was my favorite shot. Literally right in front of the Lincoln Memorial, my Garmin beeped 4 miles... how cool is that. Can you see Mr. Lincoln?
Mile 5 was a little disappointing as we were running towards the US Capital and there was nothing here to really look at (museums on our left and the reflecting pool on our right)... and I didn't want to "cheat" like I did for mile 3.2 snap shot.
Mile 6 made up for Mile 5 lackluster shot. Me in front of the US Capital. We had to take a breaks so I could get all of the little pebbles out of my shoe. Bob took this shot before we turned around to head back.
Mile 7 was awesome. We were running right by the Washington Monument and even though it wasn't in front of me, I had to snap 2 pictures: one of our path and the other a profile pic for proof.
Mile 8 we were approaching the Rock Creek Trail again and had to pass the bridges to Virginia. See Bob in front running?
Mile 9, we were back in Georgetown running by the boats.... gorgeous place for dinner in you are in the area.
Mile 10 were we heading back on the paved path and saw this little tunnel to our right.
Mile 11 was great because we were 6 minutes faster than our 11th mile last week. But it was getting hot.
Mile 12: We were so happy to be done!!! It was hot and we were tired. Bob is in front of me... as we were walking back to his car.
And the after glow shot. It was so hot. I ended up losing 3.8 lbs that was after I drank a whole bottle of Gatorade and a Naked fruit smoothie (have you had one of those before? They are awesome).
How was your long run? And post some pics of your runs.... and be sure to let Tonia know!!!
What an awesome run Jen! I love it and I love that you got to run when the sun was actually up. Super cute headband by the way ...
Love the photo opportunity. I am going to do this also - I just ran 9 miles on Friday - but hadn't seen this reference -so I will wait until my 5 this week. Great run - I know we have all been experiencing humid and hot conditions and it just sucks the energy right out of you. Yuck.
wow! one of my favorite "miles in photos" posts. wish i had interesting things like that to look at during my road runs.
Great photos!!
What a wonderful route to run :)
What a great route! Loved seeing the photos of it...I should do this photo thing sometime, but my runs are lots of corn fields, not nearly as exciting!
Love seeing pics of DC running!
those pictures are so awesome. you are so lucky to be able to run in such a great place.
Awesome to get to run in the city like that!
Wow!! Looks so enjoyable!!
Great job on your long run! I love all the photos.... and love the DC area. Makes me want to travel to the area again!
Great photos! Looks like a nice plan to run. Congrats on the 12!
I love these photo run blog posts! And what an amazing place to be running!
I am getting caught up on blogs finally and loved your last one about your boobs. I've never had much in the boob department, but I wouldn't mind losing a little weight from the bottom up rather than from the top down for a change!!
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