John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

8.7 miles on a Monday

Yes... that is exactly what I ran yesterday: 8.7 miles in 1 hour and 32 minutes. How did I do it? Well, I read Shelley's blog over at: It's Just One Foot in Front of the Other daily and she splits her runs so she can get her miles in... I think she has run over 800 miles already this year (she ROCKS!).

Anyway, I decided to give it a try. I ran 5.5 with the baby and jogger in an hour and four minutes. It was bright and sunny, but the wind was fierce. I know I say it all of the time; but seriously, running up the hills with the jogger and the wind - I was STANDING still! I felt good on the run but was not stressing about my time. I know this because I stopped to check on the baby several times and did not stop LOLA - good sign!

When hubby got home, I decided to go out for another... whatever. I didn't want to pressure myself; I just wanted to run. I did 3.2 in 28 minutes. I felt WONDERFUL and fast. I did not intentionally run fast, but without the jogger... I just feel so much better.

I think I am going to start recommending people to "borrow" babies and joggers to build up their endurance. It has done wonders for me.

And I got some good news. I talked to a professional last night and she said it was definitely okay to split my miles up during the day in order to get them in. I might just have to try this.

I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday!!!

P.S. The picture is of me in a Party Limo Van. My son had transportation day at his Preschool on Friday and LOVED the party limo van. He wanted to show you that I liked it too.



Congrats on getting it in! Did you do p90x too? And I just realized you are doing p90x doubles ... holy heck! That's a lot!

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said... 2

Wow! Very impressive...where there's a will, there's a way! That van looks like it was fun :)

Heather said... 3

Great job.
Any suggestions you can give me on how to increase my speed?? ( faster.)

Stormee.M said... 4

Hmm. never thought to split runs up. You did really good !
That van looks big !

Unknown said... 5

i've never split my runs like that. I just run all the way through.

misszippy said... 6

Nice...I like to do doubles on occasion. Good for you!

Marlene said... 7

Great job on the double! I think you definitely get a lot of benefit from doing that. I've heard that as long as you don't sleep in between runs, you're getting almost the same benefit as running the distance as a whole.

Catey said... 8

Love splitting like that! It has been a life saver with a house full of little kids and trying to sneak in runs! Way to go!!

RockStarTri said... 9

It is definitely ok to split up the miles as long as you get them in. Good job.

teacherwoman said... 10

Nice work on your two runs! Sometimes it just works best to split those runs up!

Pam @ said... 11

I've split runs before because I had to, but I thought I was cheating myself by doing it. Good to know I wasn't!

H Love said... 12

interesting on the split concept. thanks for are doing great!

Anonymous said... 13

look at YOU!!!! your transformation has been amazing..AND you are getting FAST!!!

Erica said... 14

I have two someone can "borrow" if they would like? I kid I kid! Great Job getting miles in!

Michelle said... 15

Great job! In order to get mileage in this summer, I'm going to have to split up my runs, too, (and have been wondering the same thing) so thanks for the info!

Amanda said... 16

The Hubbs just asked me last week if I could run a little here and there the same day and I said no that's not how it works, but apparently it does and I'm glad to hear it! Now I won't feel badly if I have to do it on a certian day.

Emily S said... 17

Wow, quite impressive!! And I must say you are looking very skinny and beautiful! Great job!


Tricia said... 18

great job getting in the miles!

RunToTheFinish said... 19

splitting runs is one of my favorite things to do! it's both good for calories and my mental health some days!

Laurie said... 20

Great job. Wind + jogger = huge workout! Way to go.

That van does look like a lot of fun.

ShirleyPerly said... 21

You know, all this talk about strollers making you a stronger runner has got me thinking I ought to buy one second hand, fill it with rocks and push it just to become stronger ;-)

Good job on your run!!