John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not as far as I had hoped

After debating about my long run yesterday WAY TOO MUCH, I decided to play it safe (relative term) and take the Rock Creek Trail instead of running along a busy road.

I really wanted to run along the road because it has major hills that I have been craving (I know, call me crazy). They are massive and I felt I was up to the challenge. The down side is that for miles I would have had to run on concrete sidewalks - ouch for the shins, and on busy shoulders of a major highway with my back to the traffic - as the other side of the road has no shoulder or sidewalks.

After a restless night, I decided to play is safe and run on Rock Creek trail. The family dropped me off at the trail and I headed to my church. I was the ONLY one on the trail (could have been because the National Marathon was just starting), but it was creepy. I felt like squirrels were following me. Note to self: find a running partner. The entire 7.7 miles, I only passed 10 people - 3 groups of 2 women running, and several men. At about mile 4, a man carrying 10 lb weights in each hand ran passed me. I was in immediate awe... then felt paranoid and wondered if he would come up behind me and hit me over the head with one of those weights. He proved to be a true athlete and kept running with his weights in his hand. Has anyone seen this before? This was in the middle of no where... so he had to be running far with those weights.

Anyway, I made it to the place I needed to turn to get to my church and my Garmin said: 7.7 miles. If I had run the road it would have been close to 11. Oh well, I decided that was all I was meant to run so I stretched a little and headed to the church.

As many of your comments suggested, it was a tough run. I still did not feel 100% after being sick and I felt it out there. My first mile was 9:35, second was 10:04, third was 11:12 (HUGE hill) and then the rest were in the 12's. I took the GU at mile 6 and while it tasted great... it felt weird in my mouth. I am not ready to give up on it yet... but I am not sure I needed it.

Rock Creek Trail is beautiful. I think it is 14 miles long and takes you from Derwood, MD to the DC line. I have my heart set on running to DC and back one day! Most of the trail follows a beautiful rocky creek (as its name suggests). I went over 7 large bridges and 5 small ones. It was a beautiful run. I love the change of scenery.

I am praying for those racing today... specifically Cat, Craig, and Amy who are running a 1/2 marathon in VA right now.


A Toronto girl out West said... 1

You're brave running on a trail! I'm a big chicken about that kind of stuff. I currently live in the Rockies and I have a friend who constantly runs on mountain trails alone!


Anne said... 2

What a beautiful trail...although I agree that a running partner would probably be nice out there on the trails :) Good job on the 7.7 miles...hope you're feeling better and better.

Unknown said... 3

Wow, sounds like a beautiful run! Well done :)

Unknown said... 4

Sounds like a very pretty place to run, I agree, get a running partner so you can enjoy it next time!

Molly said... 5

sounds like a beautiful place to run, nice job!

I was wondering how you like your Garmin FR 60, I'm in the process of looking for one, and that model seems to do everything I would want it to.

Pam @ said... 6

So pretty!

Don't be disappointed--7.7 miles is a super long run for someone on the mend from the stomach crud! Good job!


Beautiful pictures. Next time take a running buddy, running alone creeps me out! Great job though!

ajh said... 8

I'm with the others. You should have a running partner for this part. Stay safe.

Anonymous said... 9

such a breathtaking view.

teacherwoman said... 10

Sounds like a beautiful run! Great pics. I have never seen anyone RUN with 10 lb. weights, but there is a guy that lives near the school I teach at who walks and swings (hard) his ten pound weights... and I wonder what he gets out of this.

Julie said... 11

Hi Jen,
Nice job on your seven mile run:) What a gorgeous run....look at those pictures! I sometimes get paranoid too when I am running alone on the running paths that are close to my home. I agree with the others find a running partner or get your hubby to bike next to you:)

Lindsay said... 12

it is easy to get skeeved out out on the trails sometimes. heck i get a little worried running at the park where there are moms & their kids playing on the playgounds! seems like all these people were OK, but hopefully you can find a running buddy all the same :)

Ewa said... 13

What a nice trail! I strongly believe that trails are much safer than any road or city streets. It would take a second for some creep to grab a runner from a car. Well, at least that is my paranoia so I actually feel safer on trails. Go figure.
Once I saw guys from our fire dept training in 100F heat running up steep hills in my neighborhood carrying each other. I could barely walk up those hills in that heat and they were running!

Anonymous said... 14

Good come back run after being sick, Jen.

As far as the Gu goes, you were probably done running by the time it started to work becuase you because you took it as mile 6 and stopped at 7.7 (i.e. it takes about 10 minutes for me to feel the effects of a gel after taking it). For what it worth, I use gel only for runs great than 6 miles. I'll take 1 gel before starting to run and then another every 5 miles.

Unlike you, I have never seen anybody run with weights. This does interest me, however. I could see how a couple pounds (maybe wrist weights - but WAY less than 10 lbs.) in training might reduce arm fatigue in a longer race.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said... 15

I've run a marathon in Rock Creek. I think it's the same place. Nice pictures!

I love to run solo but those squirrels, you just never know! ;-)

Erica said... 16

ohhh I hate running alone! It is sooo creepy, I want to check out this trail one day

Marlene said... 17

Sounds like a beautiful place to run! Great job!

Marjolein said... 18

Oh wow what a beautiful place to run! I'd love to run there! No wonder you love it.
I hope to start running in the dunes (national park) that's just a 15 minute bike ride away from my house, soon. Should be nice.

Michelle said... 19

Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! That would motivate me to run, for sure. Although, I get day dreamy and would slow down, so maybe not.

Enjoy your week!

Anonymous said... 20

thank you for visiting my blog home :)
that trail sounds amazing......and it also sounds like you had a great run. trail running always takes longer but is so great!

Cassie said... 21

I am relatively local to Rock Creek Park but have never tried it. Perhaps one day I will be fast enough to accompany you!

Kirsten said... 22

That looks like a beautiful trail! How awesome that it is right near you! I do so hope you can find some running partners, your chatter box will go for miles and miles. :) that is said with nothin' but LOVE! Congrats on the long run especially while still recovering from sickness. Way to go!

Sara Cox Landolt said... 23

Gorgeous, I'd love to explore that trail. Be careful & listen to your gut along the trail. It's easy to underestimate a dangerous situation, I've had issues multiple times, but so far only in public places. Take care of yourself!