John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." NIV

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I miss you too

I have been sick. I guess after cleaning up after Brock on Saturday night... I expose myself and fell sick on Sunday night. I am not talking about just any stomach bug... I mean... I am seriously comparing this to the 14 hours I went without the epidural during my daughter's labor (I got the epidural and enjoyed 10 more hours of labor comfortably before she was delivered) - the vomiting, the cramps... it was THAT bad. Several times my stomach seized up into a tight knot and I was unable to breathe for a second or two. It was AWFUL. I stopped needing the potty around 1 am only to have such severe leg and stomach cramps that I could not sleep. I finally got to sleep about 7am on Monday morning, only to have my carpool call around 7:30 am to tell me her son was sick too. Needless to say, no one was leaving my house.

Brock was feeling better but I stayed in bed. Kiera came down with it Monday evening but again was fine this morning. I was happy that I decided to keep her home from school on Monday so she did not expose anyone in her class to it... not to mention her teacher who is expecting and due any minutes now. So we were all home again today.

It is strange because both children recovered in 12 hours, but I am still not 100%. Why is that? I am in the best shape of my life... but this stomach thing really kicked me... HARD! I finally made it down stairs today around 5pm to eat "dinner" with the family. I am extremely light headed so I am drinking tons of water and eating small amounts of food.

I am feeling better and hope to be back in the swing of things by tomorrow.

Lyle - my AWESOME husband has taken care of us all. He has been sooooo patient and so kind to us all. He even put Kiera's hair up when she was vomiting..... it was so sweet - not to mention a necessity. I am so thankful he stayed home again today so I could recover. He helped me by doing laundry... tons of it and started the SANITATION process. I just gave everything another once over with the Lysol wipes and scrubbed the bathrooms.

I do not wish this on anyone. I hope everyone is healthy and ask that you pray for Lyle - that he stays healthy. I am not sure when I will get out a run again. My plan is to walk tomorrow afternoon and see how I feel. The weather is supposed to be awesome the rest of the week and I hope I am able to get some miles in.

I miss all of my bloggy friends and promise to catch up on your posts. And thanks for all of the well wishes after my Sunday post. I guess I was just destined to get sick and we RARELY get sick in this house.


Syl said... 1

that sounds awful, glad you are on the mend

MCM Mama said... 2

Feel better soon! And take it really easy on the run. The last time I got a stomach bug, it took me a good week or so before my running felt normal.

Julie said... 3

Hi Jen,
Take care of yourself and get better soon!!

RunningFromCancer said... 4

Jen - get well. Nothing worse than a sick MOM. There is a lot of gunk going around . . . at least here. Enjoy the nice weather and a walk would probably feel good . . . just don't get to far from home. ;-)

Pam @ said... 5

Glad to hear you're feeling better. :) God bless a man that will hold the hair of a vomiting female!!!

Kelly said... 6

Feel better!

Marlene said... 7

Oh NO, so sorry that the bug is going around. :( It sounds dreadful. Hope you are feeling better soon!!

Amanda said... 8

No fun :( We were having the yuckies over here too. Feel better soon and take it easy!

Teamarcia said... 9

Oh crap, sorry to hear how sick you were. I was definitely thinking of you. Rest up and recover well!

Erica said... 10

yucko I hope you feel better soon!!

newrunner said... 11

Get better soon!!!!!

Michelle said... 12

Get well soon and hope that the hubs avoids it! SO sorry to hear about how bad you feel! Take care!

Marjolein said... 13

Get well soon!

WannabeRunner said... 14

Yuck, sorry you are so sick! Get Well wishes headed your way. :)

Kirsten said... 15

What a rough time for you! Glad you guys are doing better and I hope you make a full recovery as soon as possible!

New subject: wonder if there are any spring races in DC? Don't they have some biggies in May? cherry blossom 10K or something like that? Aren't you registered for a half marathon in May? Sorry for my questions, just can't remember.

Hannah said... 16

Sicknesses are the PITS. I hope you are all well very very soon.

Trish said... 17

I hope St. Patty's Day finds you better! I am a freak with the chlorox spray and purell hand sanitizer!


Aimee said... 18

Oh...I'm so sorry! The stomach bug is the worse. I hope you feel better soon.

Danielle said... 19

Oh man, Jen, that's horrible! I'm glad you're all on your way to recovery and I hope Lyle stays in the clear. My cousin had a horrible flu like that 2 weeks ago and lost 8 pounds in two days because of all the throwing up and other yucky stuff. Horrible! ((HUGS))